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duration 2 h, 22 M
8,4 of 10
Genre Drama
Release date 1985
Elem Klimov
During WWII, a Belarusian boy is thrust into the atrocities of war, fighting with a hopelessly unequipped Soviet resistance movement against ruthless German forces. Witnessing scenes of abject terror and surviving horrifying situations, he loses his innocence and then his mind
Idź i patrz watch full length full. Jdi a Dívej Se (Idi i Smotri, Come and See) is a breath-taking Russian movie from 1985. And now also a compilation presenting seven Czech black metal bands deeply rooted in hardcore/punk scene. Each band provided a previously unreleased material recorded exclusively for this record and helped to create this unique mosaic of wide range of emotions, tones and words with one common denominator - fight agains fascism in all its forms. Go and see. Listen, think and never stop fighting This compilation is released as a 2xLP, limited to 500 copies, with a massive booklet containing photos of places connected with antifascist resistance or fascist persecution. The places on the photographs were chosen by the bands themselves, adding another dimension to the music and lyrics. Jdi a Dívej Se record contains the following bands: Kruh, Pustina, Marnost, sgra, Lichens, Doppelganger of Death and Smuteční Slavnost. The physical form of the compilation is a benefit for anti-racist and antifascist campaign Good Night White Pride. Donations for the digital form of compilation will go to the benefit fund of Coffee Breath Records: --- Jdi a Dívej Se je velmi sugestivní ruský film z roku 1985. A teď také kompilace, na které se sešlo sedm black metalových kapel, jejich kořeny jsou zapuštěné v hard core/punkové scéně. Všechny dodaly před tím nevydané skladby nahrané speciálně pro tuto desku a pomohly tak vytvořit unikátní mozaiku, je se skládá z obrovské škály emocí, tónů a slov a která má jednoho společného jmenovatele - boj proti fašismu ve všech jeho podobách. Jděte a dívejte se. Poslouchejte, přemýšlejte a nepřestávejte bojovat. Kompilace vychází jako 2xlp s masivním bookletem, který obsahuje fotky míst spojených s antifašistickým odbojem nebo fašistickou perzekucí, které ve svém okolí vybraly samotné kapely a doplňuje tak hudební a textovou část o další rozměr. Na desce najdete kapely Kruh, Pustina, Marnost, sgra, Lichens, Doppelganger of Death a Smuteční Slavnost a celý je projekt je benefiční pro antirasistickou a antifašistickou kampaň Good Night White Pride. Peníze z digitální verze půjdou do fondu Coffee Breath Records: released July 1, 2015 thank you: Ondra (photos), Carton Clan (design), Amak (mastering), Frank Castiglione (logo), BriefcaseType (type) ----------------------------------------------------------------- O COFFEE BREATH / ABOUT COFFEE BREATH Všechna alba na těchto stránkách si můeš za dobrovolný příspěvek. Lidi, kteří se na albech, která vydáváme podíleli, tomu věnovali mnoho času a úsilí a za tyto nahrávky nechtějí ádné peníze. Pokud se Ti hudba líbí, máš tady monost to ocenit tím, e přispěješ dobrovolnou částkou na aktivity, které nám přijdou smysluplné a zároveň se potýkají s nedostatkem financí. Všechny peníze, které tímto projektem vybereme, půjdou čistě na benefiční účely. Ačkoliv v tuhle chvíli nedokáeme přesně říct, kam přesně peníze půjdou, protoe se vdy rozhodujeme podle aktuálních kauz a potřeb, chápeme, e to chceš vědět Ty. Snad bude stačit, kdy napíšeme, e se budeme zaměřovat na kolektivy aktivní v oblasti praktického prosazování rovnostářského prostředí ve společnosti, podpory znevýhodněných sociálních skupin či osvobození zvířat a lidí. I vzhledem k tomu, e patrně nevybereme velké obnosy, budeme se snait pomoci malým a začínajícím skupinám, které se třeba i kvůli své povaze potýkají s nedostatkem financí, nechtějí nebo nemohou čerpat peníze odjinud a i malý obnos bude pro ně citelným přínosem. Přispět můeš pomocí sluby Paypal přímo při staení alba. Pokud nechceš jít touhle cestou, stačí na nějaké akci najít kasičku kolektivu, jeho práce Ti přijde smysluplná, a něco do ní vhodit. I to se počítá. x All albums here are available for donations. People involved in their making invested their time and energy and do not want to make money from it. Instea they offered them to us. If you like the music published on this page you can appreciate it by donating any amount of money to the activities to activities that make sense to us and often face lack of financial resources. Even if the collected amount is small all the money gathered through this project will be used for non-profit activities. We are not able to list the projects that will be supported in advance as we want to keep the ability to choose them according to actual needs and situations. But we believe that you need to know where the money goes. We hope it’s enough to say that we want to support collectives suporting local communities or promoting overal equality and animal or human liberation. In general we want to support activities fighting any way of oppression. We prefer donating the money to newly risen or underfinanced non-profit groups which are experiencing lack of money from their nature, so even the small amount can be beneficial for them. You can donate using PayPal directly by the download. If you don’t want to use this way, you can donate directly to the collective that make sense to you.
Id c5 ba i patrz watch full length photo. Id c5 ba i patrz watch full length 2016. Idź i patrz watch full length movies. Edit Storyline After a comet releases a mysterious virus that begins to kill all of the women in the world, a young couple's relationship is severely tested. They hide out (from both the illness and the savages who hunt the remaining women) in their over-sterilized apartment. Ultimately the duo escapes their self-imposed quarantine to head to the wilderness for one final experience together. Written by Anonymous Plot Summary | Add Synopsis Details Release Date: 6 March 2020 (USA) See more » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs ».
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This film made me have nightmares, its probably the first war movie that can be considered a horror film also. Idź i patrz watch full length hair. Idź i patrz Watch Full length. Oh, this is just one of those boring social-realistic russian movies. That was what I thought before I saw this movie. But I had to reconcider radically afterwards. Forget The Thin Red Line, forget Saving Private Ryan, forget Platoon. Do you want to see a realistic and bizarre war-epic this is the one. Many weird moments but it all symbolize life or death, and the documentaric style often leaves you stunned and suprised. Oh, and if it was possible: Would you go back in time and kill Hitler.
Byłem z dzieckiem na koncercie w Toruniu i wiecie co ten gość ma klasę chciał podejść do każdego zrobić foto i nie gwiazdorzyl brawo gościu za szczerość. Id c5 ba i patrz watch full length parts. Idź i patrz watch full length without. Film / drama, historick�, v�le�n�, Rusko, 1985, 77 min., od 16 let Come and See DVD od 12. 9. 2006 �itka Video Re�ie: Elem Klimov Herci: Aleksei Kravchenko, Olga Mironova, Liubomiras Lauciavicius, Adolf Hitler Hr�zy v�lky o�ima �estn�ctilet�ho chlapce. �estn�ctilet� Fljora je v l�t� 1943 naivn�m b�lorusk�m chlapcem, odhodlan�m zapojit se do partyz�nsk�ho odboje. Na konci p��b�hu je lidskou troskou, z jej� tv��e nav�dy zmizely stopy d�tsk� nevinnosti. Fljor�v osud pln� utrpen�, ve kter�m nechyb� m�sto ani pro prvn� erotick� okouzlen� a tragikomick� okam�iky, pro�ila v�t�ina z t�ch, kte�� dosp�vali za druh� sv�tov� v�lky. N�mci tehdy v B�lorusku realizovali projekt "sp�len� zem�", v n�m� lehlo popelem na �est set vesnic. O t�chto ud�lostech vypr�v� ve sv�ch novel�ch Ales Adamovi�, kter� se rovn� pod�lel na sc�n��i filmu, opat�en�ho n�zvem Zabijte Hitlera. Do v�roby v�ak �el sn�mek pod titulem, jen� tvo�� refr�n v biblick� Apokalypse. Elem Klimov jej nat��el chronologicky, co� v�razn� pomohlo p�edstaviteli hlavn� role Alexeji Krav�enkovi ke ztoto�n�n� se sv�m hrdinou. Obraz Fljorova vy�inut�ho nitra v�ak nevyjad�uje pouze hereck� akce, v�raznou m�rou se na n�m pod�l� pr�ce kameramana a zvuka�e, k n� zvl�tn� kontrapunkt vytv��� Mozartova hudba. Uprav informace o filmu Koment�� k filmu Jeden z kr�l� sov�tsk�ho v�le�n�ho dramatu. Film, na n�m� jde vid�t snaha tv�rc� o zachov�n� maxima re�li�, bez pozl�tka a z�rove� dopady t�chto re�li� na �ivot d�t�te, kter� si p��l st�t se partyz�nem. To se mu spln�, ale z�rove� ho to i zni��. Jak moc je p�edm�tem d�je tohoto filmu. Velice v�born� kamera, veden� komparzist� i herc�, to v�e se sl�v� do jednoho geni�ln�ho celku, kter� je nav�c nato�en tak v�rohodn�, a� to p�sob� jako dokument. Dokonce podle kameramana Rodionova film zachycuje opravdu skute�n� zaznam�nan� hr�zy tak, jak se dle vzpom�nek odehr�ly situaci za situac�. O to drsn�j�� je to pod�van� a o to v�ce nejde tento film vymazat z pam�ti. Vrchol toho, co dobov� sov�tsk� kinematografie zrealizovala. Pln� po�et a nikdy nezapomenu! 95% V�echny koment��e k filmu 8 + Napi� koment�� k filmu a z�skej DVD Web: IMDB, Titulky Videot�ka: p�idat si do n� film Popis filmu Jdi a d�vej se Jedno z najp�sobivej��ch diel o krutosti vojny prin�a apokalyptick� obraz vojnov�ch hr�z a utrpenia. V roku 1985 nato�il rusk� re�is�r Elem Klimov jeden z najstra�nej��ch filmov o vojne. Scen�r filmu nap�sal Ales Adamovi�, ktor� vyu�il dokument�rne fakty. Je to film nielen o druhej svetovej vojne, ale vojne ako v�eobecnej ni�ivej sile, b�raj�cej prirodzen� poriadok. Dej sa odohr�va v Bielorusku roku 1943, kedy mlad� a nevinn� chlapec �el� vojnov�m udalostiam. Autori vybrali presne to miesto a tie udalosti, ktor� sa stali symbolom n�rodn�ho utrpenia. Hrdina filmu je �estn�s�ro�n� chlapec Flera, odch�dzaj�ci do h�r k partiz�nom. Na za�iatku filmu je e�te die�a�om. Na konci, prejd�c peklom trestn�ch akci� fa�istov, st�va sa dospel�m a dokonca star�m. Uprostred bojov medzi terorom fa�istov a v�e�udov�m odbojom str�ca najsk�r nevinnos� a potom aj zdrav� rozum. Vojna skazila vo�akedy ne�n�, detsk� �rty a zmenila ich na stareck� vr�sky. Zmenen� tv�r Flera je tv�rou vojny. Ostr� v bezkompromisnej realite a surovosti autori vytvorili hrdinu, ktor�m nie je omet�lovan� partiz�n, ale dospievaj�ci chlapec. Film z�skal Zlat� cenu a Cenu FIPRESCI na MFF Moskva 1985. Nevinnost L�sky se nikdy nezbav�. Cesta z vrcholu na absolutn� dno m��e b�t velmi rychl�. N�kdy sta... dnes 20. 00 V ��ru noci (In the Heat of the Night) Maj� na rukou vra�du a nev�d� si s n� rady. Klasick� americk� f... dnes 21. 45 Americk� j�zda (American Honey) Mladi�k� Star �ije �ivot, o kter� by nikdo z n�s nest�l. Sama se star� o... dnes 22. 05 Podobn� filmy Jestli se ti nel�b� na�e nab�dka podobn�ch po�ad� napi� n�m.
Ive looked through the comments here and it amazes me that so many mention about Soviet propaganda to this movie! As if Hollywood doesn't show any of American propaganda in their movies! Ha! Or only American propaganda is allowed in the world? Does anyone in their sound mind really expect that the people who survived the invasion of nazis, the people who saw their loved ones/families/friends/neighbours being killed, who survived the horrors of loosing their homes and own health would make a movie showing how great the intruder nazis were? Or how silly their fellow countrymen were for kicking the fascists off the occupied lands? What kind of propaganda your speach and videos have if it was YOU, who'd have lost over 25millions. of countrymen, if it was your land, home and relatives that have been attacked and set on fire, and if it was your relatives and fellows who have put their lives on a hard chance to save YOU and your life? What would you mumble then? V Day today. Many people (from many countries) have put their lives for us to have this victory day and peaceful life to celebrate.
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This is an incredible, excellent review of Come and See. I couldn't have said any of this better. Piękna piosenka taka życiowa dająca siły żeby wszystko pokonać i iść dalej prosto przez siebie. Dziękuję za nią czekam na więcej od tego artysty. Dołączył do moich ulubionych wokalistów. Piotr cugowski kortez Krzysiek zalewski dawid podsiadło. brawa to są MEGA MOCNI MUSZKIETERZY❤👏👍💪. Idź i patrz Watch Full lengths. The apocalypse now of WW2. "Come and See" director Elem Klimov, takes us to a tiny town called Byelorussia, where we witness two boys digging in the sandy beaches looking for treasure, which turns out to be a gun left from the war between Russia and Germany. Floyra, a young boy from the town, takes his treasure home because with this weapon he can now join the resistance, and stop Germany's invasion. His mother begs him to stay there with her but, he is full of pride and is taken away by the resistance soldiers who help themselves to farm animals.
Floyra is led to a camp where resistance troops, laugh and joke about their conquest as they make fun of Hitler. This will be one of two scenes of innocence and laughter in the film, because the twists and turns that occur through out this film are shocking and horrifying. The photography and landscape are sometimes soothing, until the Germans bombs saturate the forest in their quest to kill the resistance fighters. With this occurrence Floyra's life is turned upside down, and he will be forced to learn what ever it takes to survive the atrocities committed by the Germans. In addition, he does survive, but he is forever changed. I won't spoil the film by telling you all that occurs, but it is a must see. This film manages to affect all the senses, smelling, hearing etc. This telling of the bravery it takes to keep your sense of respect and honor is what this film truly reveals. I was not prepared for this film, as I am a devout fan of comedy. This is a film my professor prefers to show in each of his classes, and I agree that we should all see this eye-opening film of the fight that a little town with a big desire for freedom can accomplish. One more note is that the movie poster says it all, in just one photo.
Nareszcie wokalista który nie jest seksistowski i w teledyskach nie ma pornosów! Idź dalej Marcin ze swoim wspaniałym głosem. Best war movie ever made. Was just talking about it the other day... O matko! Przecudna piosenka ! Cały czas teraz jej słucham. 😱😍😍😍 Kto też tak ma. Id c5 ba i patrz watch full length name. Id c5 ba i patrz watch full length model. Id c5 ba i patrz watch full length for sale. Id c5 ba i patrz watch full length pictures. Idź i patrz watch full length movie. Idź i patrz watch full length 2.
Id c5 ba i patrz watch full length black. Aim The aim of the Judicial Diversity Initiative is to promote the equal participation of women and men from a diverse range of backgrounds, experiences and identities in the judiciary in England and Wales by 2020. The JDI serves as a forum for bringing together academics, practitioners, judges and policy-makers to work towards greater diversity on the bench. The activities of the JDI include: Tracking, recording and analysing official data on applications for judicial appointments and appointment decisions. Disseminating this data in order to draw attention to ongoing or particular problems as well as to highlight achievements and progress. Maintaining an accessible site for a range of policy material, academic papers, lectures and speeches on the subject of gender diversity in the judiciary. Promoting debate through seminars, online discussion and the dissemination of academic research and policy papers. Responding to consultation papers and providing input to proposed initiatives from government, the judicial appointments commission and the legal profession. Informing media debate on the appointment of women judges. Identifying effective mechanisms for informing, mentoring and encouraging high calibre potential women candidates for judicial office at different stages of their careers. The JDI is particularly concerned with the participation on the bench of women from under-represented groups such as black and minority ethnic women, disabled women, lesbians and transsexuals, and women from non-traditional or socially disadvantaged backgrounds. What do we mean by equal participation of men and women on the bench? Gender parity requires that there should be no fewer than 40 per cent and no more than 60 per cent of women and men from diverse backgrounds at all levels of the judiciary. We call this the ‘40:60 rule’. Background to the JDI By the mid-1990s women and men were equally represented among newly qualified lawyers. In recent years women have increasingly outnumbered men in the qualifying cohorts of both barristers and solicitors. By 2020 the balance of women and men in the legal profession will therefore be such that there will be no legitimate justification for the continued over-representation of men on the bench. Yet the Equalities and Human Rights Commission estimates that at the current rate of progress it will be 55 years before there is gender parity in the judiciary; over a century after the first woman judge was appointed. In the light of this very slow progress, it is clear that concerted and proactive efforts are needed across a range of different institutions and through a variety of different initiatives for the goal of parity by 2020 to be achieved. The JDI will work to provide input, co-ordination and support for initiatives which will lead to gender equality on the bench. The JDI Executive Committee is composed of: Want to contact us? Please send all enquiries to: Professor Kate Malleson Email: Tel: +44 (0)20 7882 8120 Address: School of Law, Queen Mary University of London, 67-69 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London, WC2A 3JB.
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