

kickass Chinese Portrait Download

Chinese Portrait - by Caleb Kamui, February 28, 2020
3.6/ 5stars

❃ ٭♢❋✺▼⇓∞⁕♦❉♤×≋✧❋ STREAM;DOWNLOAD

❃ ⊛✶✯↑♦✸§✫✧✸✰✪♠☆✫


Correspondent: John Lynn Fernandez
Resume: Film critic in West Palm Beach & Greater Miami; contributor for @icsfilm


runtime=1 h, 19 M

audience Score=37 votes

Xiaoshuai Wang


ratings=7 of 10

PADANLARU pardon, jai vu la pub c'etait compulsif.


WOW your something else Omar 😂

Ibang Handa alam nyan. puro Pa press briefing parang Leni puro talk wl gawa. Good enough. Chinese portrait documentary trailer. Chinese portraits 1400-1800. Texto publicado no facebook do andré perfeito o economista que entrevistou o ciro no roda viva. Fiz um post mais cedo onde compartilhei a imagem de uma propaganda onde um advogado, o Sr. Anderson Gama (que me remete à Luiz Gama pela contradição em nome em em termo) oferecia seus serviços de consultoria trabalhista à empresários para ensinar "como demitir seus funcionários e contratá-los mais barato". Ele promete na peça publicitária oferecer mais lucro para empresários em todo o país. Fiz o comentário com um recurso retórico meu do "vou deixar isso aqui" e o que se seguiu foram comentários dos mais variados à favor e contra o serviço prestado, mas confesso que minha ironia tinha na primeira camada a perspectiva de efetivamente publicizar o serviço; afinal este vai ser o tom destes próximos 4 anos pelo menos e muitos empresários irão utilizar tal estratégia por óbvio. Digo mais: das reformas "estruturantes" de Bolsonaro tenho certeza que essa é a que mais avançar. Ele mesmo já disse mais de uma vez que o trabalhador deveria escolher entre "todos os direitos e nenhum trabalho ou trabalho e nenhum direito". Enfim... Vi aqui e acolá os comentários do meu fla-flu particular que é esta curva de rio dos meus "amigos" de facebook que alimento à base de leite ninho, manga doce e fios de ovos. Trato bem para voltarem sempre, afinal faço daqui espaço poético onde escrevo esperando o acaso das pessoas reagiram. Amo muito tudo isso, publicizo eu. (Engraçado, nunca escrevi publicizo na vida. Palavra divertida. ) Mas cabe aqui pensar no pormenor o que aquela singela proposta do senhor Gama quer nos dizer. A primeira coisa no registro das ideias é que ele propõe demitir os funcionários para recontratá-los de forma mais barata e - aqui está a questão - com vistas à oferecer mais lucro ao empresário. Não vejo absolutamente nada errado em aumentar o lucro empresarial, afinal é a sinalização do lucro que mobiliza mulheres, homens, transgêneros e toda espécie de pessoas com vocação ao risco em se empreender em atividades produtivas alargando assim o espaço da produção nacional. O lucro deve ser estimulado de maneira entusiasmada e como já disse um chinês comunista: enriquecer é glorioso. O próprio esforço deste Gama é retrato fiel do que se quer esperar de um capitalista: avançando sobre mercados não explorados e transformar tudo em mercadoria com vistas, por óbvio, em lucro. Não vou entrar no mérito se um advogado pode ou não fazer esse tipo de publicidade, pelo que sei no Brasil é proibido a mercantilização explícita do direito, o que eu acho uma bobagem essa proibição: no estado capitalista o direito é também uma mercadoria e cabe ao estado oferecer esta aos que não tem posses através da defensoria pública. Nos EUA advogados fazem publicidade em metrô e espalham adesivos em cabines telefônicas ao lado de outros serviços também fundamentais. Voltemos ao tema. Na melhor tradição de um economista vou introduzir algumas hipóteses simplificações para poder avaliar a situação. A primeira é que a ação de demitir para contratar se dê com todas as outras variáveis constantes, o famoso "coeteris paribus". A segunda é que o investimento seja função de um mercado competitivo no sentido que o empresário só investe para poder produzir melhor que seu vizinho e assim ganhar mercado ou que invista para simplesmente cortar custos e melhorar suas margens. Assumo também que o nível de produto numa economia seja o nível de renda geral dos seus participantes e por fim que o único tributo que o estado arrecada seja sobre o mercado de trabalho (essa simplificação é tosca, mas serve para jogar luz sobre a questão). Vamos colocar em movimento nosso jogo de armar... Ok, contratei o Sr. Gama e ele me disse: Dr André sua situação é grave; seu único funcionário (outra simplificação do modelo, eu sou o único empresário e só existe um único funcionário) custa para o senhor 10 dinheiros, sendo que 4 vão para o funcionário 2 para a poupança obrigatória deste funcionário (que assumimos ser um idiota incapaz de administrar sua própria poupança, isso não é uma simplificação, é assim mesmo que funciona) e 4 vão para o Estado em impostos. Antes de continuar não me venham criticar nas razões de 4-2-4, isso é uma modelagem trivial. Tá ok? O Sr. Gama se vira para mim com um sorriso no rosto e diz: podemos diminuir seu custo de maneira permanente de 10 para 7 e vc me paga 9 (o equivalente a diferença de 3 meses de salários normais). E quer saber?, continua o Se. Gama, a situação ainda é melhor, seu funcionário vai ganhar mais no processo! Mas como? Pergunto incrédulo e com um sorriso no rosto também. Simples, me explica. O Sr vai demitir seu funcionário e recontratá-lo sem o lixo da antiga CLT de inspiração facista do Mussolini. Você recontrata e continua pagando os 4 de praxe para ele mas o dinheiro da poupança compulsória (que eram 2 dinheiros) você não é mais obrigado a pagar, mas como somos pessoas civilizadas você vai dar 1 para ele. O salário dele agora vai para 5 e os impostos que eram 4 agora vão ser 2. Pronto, seu custo caiu de 10 para 7. Negócio fechado! Minha margem de lucro vai aumentar, meu funcionário vai ganhar mais e estamos conversados. Agora que mora o problema. Elevar as margens de lucro são um tônico importante, mas isto é sustentável? E mais: isso garante investimentos ou mais contratações? Depende. E muito. Em primeiro lugar a poupança do funcionário vai cair e se poupança financia investimentos isso implica dizer que a quantidade de fundos emprestáveis (estou cometendo uma heresia aqui para um keynesiano, mas tudo bem) vai diminuir. Temos que considerar que talvez nem esse 1 "a mais" que o funcionário ganhou vai ser poupado, afinal talvez 4 fosse ainda muito pouco para viver. Temos que lembrar que no Brasil metade da população vive em média com mil reais, logo é pouco provável que mais renda se transforme em poupança. Dito de outra forma a propensão marginal à consumir é próxima da unidade e isto acontece não porque o brasileiro seja perdulário, mas antes porque não tem renda, mas deixemos essa conversa para depois. Esse um dinheiro a mais entra na economia e aumenta a demanda, certo? Errado, temos que lembrar que o governo deixou de arrecadar 2 e assumindo que o governo também não faz poupança, na verdade é deficitário, será menos 2 demandados pelo estado. No final a demanda agregada caiu 1 dinheiro. Assumindo que o estado vai precisar de financiar e que os gastos sejam fixos (o que não é necessariamente mais verdade uma vez que Paulo Guedes disse que pretende num plano B desvincular todas as receitas da união) isso implica que o estado terá que tomar mais dinheiro emprestado uma vez que ele cortou os impostos de 4 para 2. Se o estado emite mais títulos isso quer dizer que haverá uma sobre oferta destes papéis e assim seu preço cai o que implica dizer que os juros sobem. Lembrem que estou trabalhando numa economia fechada é simples. Com juros altos o investimento mais uma vez pode ser prejudicado especialmente porque se poupará menos (outro pecado da minha parte dizer isso, mas vou manter o tom ortodoxo da análise). O problema se agrava. Com menos demanda e juros mais altos o empresário, no caso eu, não terá porque aumentar a produção e não irei investir. Com a demanda fraca terei que reajustar para baixo o preço do que vendo para não deixar as máquinas paradas e perder no custo de oportunidade do meu capital fixo e assim irei procurar mais uma vez o Sr. Gama para refazer sua "mágica" nos meus custos. Outro ponto importante é que com a mão de obra sempre mais barata não gera incentivos para se cortar mão de obra, ou seja, investir para poupar esse custo e temos assim um equilíbrio pior no fim das n interações possíveis. Claro, isso é um modelo simplificado, se o Brasil conseguir exportar mais com a nova estratégia do Itamaraty (o que ainda precisamos ver acontecer) a demanda cresce. Se os juros caírem por conta da diminuição radical da preferência pela liquidez dos agentes que vendo uma economia com chances de crescer o mercado de crédito irá aumentar. Se as reformas microeconômicas melhorarem o estado isso implica um nível de consumo ainda adequado. A provocação que faço aqui é essa: tudo em economia depende e não há nada que "por óbvio" gere crescimento. Fora isso sigo com um sorriso no rosto: fico imaginando o que Luiz Gama, advogado negro e abolicionista, acharia do ofício do advogado Gama de hoje em dia... vou passear no Arouche ver o busto dele e perguntar.

Chinese emperor portrait. Chinese brush painting portrait. Chinese portrait painters.


Canon macro portrait lens. Chinese ancestor portrait. When you contracted the coronavirus. Chinese portrait. I see you, Vince! Drama suits him too 👀. Chinese portrait in english. Great drawing video bro. Canvas portrait. Chinese portrait de famille.


O seu signo chinês - Rato (1984 ±12) Talvez você não acha que " ser um rato " é muito giro, mas para os chineses é, tradicionalmente eles têm achado que os ratos são animais muito inteligentes e que são capazes de sobreviver e conseguir os seus objetivos graças à sua inteligência e sentido prático, mas não só isso, em muitos velhos retratos chineses de pessoas importantes, como governadores ou empresários, estes foram retratados com um rato perto deles, o que significa que este homens ou mulheres tinham as valiosas características do rato. E há também uma história engraçada que conta como o rato fiz para ser ele o primeiro dos 12 signos do Zodíaco chinês, em suma, foi graças à sua inteligência e também porque não foi muito justo com o seu amigo o búfalo. Normalmente, as pessoas nascidas em um ano do rato são bastante expressivas e têm tendência a estar sempre acompanhados por um monte de pessoas diferentes e interessantes, é fácil reconhecê-los por causa disso, eles costumam ser muito sociais e sempre conseguem ser o centro do grupo... os ratos parecem ter fila de espera para conversar com eles. É estranho ver um rato sem fazer nada, eles estão sempre ocupados com alguma coisa, e muitas vezes são como aqueles hamsters a correr dentro de uma roda muito rápido... Um dos seus defeitos típicos é ser exigente e muito nervoso, eles muitas vezes estão a necessitar uma massagem relaxante e alguém que saiba como acalmar e confortá-los. Grandes sobreviventes, sempre com uma astúcia pronta para sair de qualquer situação demasiado interessante. Um dos ratos mais famosos foi William Shakespeare, e há muitos artistas do signo rato, por exemplo Marlon Brando, Johann Strauss, Mozart, Richard Bach, Gerard Depardieu, Olivia Newton-John, Leon Tolstoy, Bono, Antonio Banderas, Tchaikovsky, Nastassia Kinsky e Antonio Gaudí. Além disso, alguns políticos notáveis nasceram em anos do rato, por exemplo: George Washington, John J. Kennedy ou o príncipe Carlos da Inglaterra. Nacho (o autor) No meu tempo livre gosto de estudar astrologia chinesa entre muitas outras coisas, assim foi que fiz este site web sobre o tema. Nasci na Espanha há já 41 anos, em 1999 terminei de estudar engenharia industrial e começei trabalhar como técnico de sistemas Unix, no ano 2004 começei com este web site, e desde o 2008 estive a morar e viajar num barco de vela; até o ano 2018 quando decidi vender o barco e ficar estável na ilha de Santa Maria. Pode ver o meu perfil completo aqui.

Omg my tingting sweater i ordered finally arrived! ive been wearing it everywhere i go. Bah moi j'ai un figuier chez moi et ça possède un tronc noueux très épais, je monte dedans et à 2m du sol il me soutient toujours. Portrait locket. That girl wasnt even breathing damn wtf. Custom portrait. Those i's annoy me. Awesome screen play😍😎. Chinese driver's license translation service. Kawawa tayong mga pinoy kung magkaroon tayo ng outbreak. Walang kakayan ang gobyerno para tayo protektahan. Handa lang sa salita ang DOH.

So it's 3 AM and I was planning to go pooping. Wellp guess it goin wait. My scared butt goin hide under the blanket now🤦🏻‍♂️. Chinese portrait youtube. Chinese portrait painter in dynasty. TUS RETRATOS A LÁPIZ, RETRATOS POR ENCARGO, DIBUJOS A LÁPIZ ENCARGA RETRATOS POR ENCARGO Bienvenido a ¿NUNCA TE HAN DIBUJADO A LÁPIZ? SORPRENDE CON UN REGALO REALIZADO A MANO, TODO UN CLÁSICO AHORA A TU ALCANCE POR 95€ (A4) CON ENVÍO INCLUIDO EN ESPAÑA E ISLAS ENCARGA TUS DIBUJOS A  LÁPIZ  POR WHATSAPP Y PAGA SOLO SI TE GUSTA. SIN NECESIDAD DE PAGO PREVIO. SIN EL RIESGO DE PERDER EL DINERO ADELANTADO SI NO TE GUSTA EL RESULTADO FINAL. EL PAGO SOLO SE REALIZA SI EL CLIENTE ESTÁ PLENAMENTE SATISFECHO. ANTES DE ENVÍARTELO A TU DOMICILIO TE LO ENSEÑO POR WHATSAPP PARA QUE LE DES EL VISTO BUENO. OTROS ARTISTAS Y WEBS TE EXIGEN PAGO POR ADELANTADO. ¡NO CORRAS EL RIESGO DE PERDER EL DINERO SI AL FINAL NO TE GUSTA! CONMIGO, SI NO TE GUSTA, NO LO PAGAS. ENCÁRGALO AHORA EN WHATSAPP AL 633096430 Disfruta en el siguiente video de una muestra de los dibujos a lápiz realizados en durante el año 2016 acompañado de la suave melodía del arabesco n1 de debussy. En ellos podrá ver plasmado el amor que siento hacia esta técnica y mi particular forma de idealizar la realidad, dando lugar a algo mas que dibujos a lapiz, son momentos de verdadera felicidad y amor duraderos.  Pase y disfrute, 🙂 Nota: los dibujos en el video aparecen en lienzos sobre tablero pero los dibujos los realizo a lápiz sobre papel, el video es una habitación recreada en 3d no real pero los dibujos si son reales encargados por whatsapp en su mayoría 🙂 (En el video seleccione abajo a la derecha en «ajustes» -«1080p HD» para disfrutarlo en calidad superior de imagen y sonido) Retratos por encargo realizados en 2015-2020 Todos los dibujos que se muestran en la web son dibujos realizados a mano por encargo en el que previamente el cliente me ha dado la autorización para publicarlo en la web. Si usted me hace saber que no quiere que se publique el dibujo encargado ni en la web ni en redes sociales  solo tiene que decírmelo a la hora de encargarme el retrato por whatsapp  y sólo usted verá el dibujo final, no será publicado en ningún sitio. Click en cada dibujo a lápiz si desea verla en máxima resolución en una ventana nueva del explorador Detalles de cerca del dibujo de arriba ¿Te gustaría ver todos los retratos por encargo  que he hecho en 2016-2020? Lo puedes ver en el siguiente enlace «pincha aquí» Gracias a whatsapp el proceso de encargar sus dibujos a lápiz y tenerlo en unos días en tu casa en muy sencillo y no hay ningún riesgo para usted. Ultimamente he notado el incremento de encargos de mascotas. Os pongo aquí algunos ejemplos de dibujos de mascotas que he realizado ¿Por qué encargar un retrato a lápiz en y no en otra página web de dibujos a lápiz? Lo que me diferencia realmente es que no hay pago previo para la realización del dibujo y cuando el dibujo está finalizado le envío al cliente una foto a alta resolución del dibujo y si está completamente satisfecho se lo envío  y si no le gusta no tiene ningún compromiso de compra. ¡No se arriesgue en otras webs en dar un dinero por anticipado en un encargo de un dibujo que previamente no sabe como va a quedar! La relación calidad precio es muy ajustada para tratarse de un dibujo detallado y realista y es muy parecido al modelo real o foto original. el porcentaje de clientes insatisfecho es muy bajo y casi todos se sorprenden de un resultado superior a sus espectativas. Envío gratuito para España península e islas canarias y baleares Todos los dibujos que se muestran en la web son dibujos realizados a mano por encargo. Previamente el cliente me ha dado la autorización para publicarlo en la web. Si no quieres que se publique el dibujo encargado en la web o en las redes sociales solo tiene que decírmelo a la hora de encargarme el retrato por Whatsapp. Solo tú verás el dibujo final, no será publicado en ningún sitio. Clica en los dibujos a  lápiz  si deseas verlos en máxima resolución en una ventana nueva del explorador. Gracias a Whatsapp, el proceso de encargar sus dibujos a lápiz y tenerlo en unos días en tu casa en muy sencillo  y no hay ningún riesgo para ti. Lo que me diferencia realmente es que no hay pago previo para la realización del dibujo. Cuando el dibujo está finalizado le envío al cliente una foto del dibujo a alta resolución y solo se lo envío si está completamente satisfecho. Si no le gusta no tiene ningún compromiso de compra. ¡No te arriesgues en otras webs dando un dinero por anticipado por el encargo de un dibujo que no sabes realmente cómo va a quedar! La relación calidad-precio es muy ajustada para tratarse de un dibujo detallado y realista y es muy parecido al modelo real o foto original. El porcentaje de clientes insatisfechos es bajísimo y casi todos se sorprenden de un resultado superior a sus expectativas. Ofrezco envío gratuito para España (Tanto Península como Islas Baleares). ¿A QUIÉN REGALAR UN RETRATO? A familiares, pareja, amigos, compañeros de trabajo, clientes, a ti mism@… ¿CUÁNDO? En cumpleaños, bodas, aniversarios de bodas, Navidad, Reyes, Día de los Enamorados, despedidas de solteros, homenajes, regalos de empresa, Día de la Madre, Fin de Curso, etc. PLAZOS DE ENTREGA De 4 a 10 días. Dependerá del tamaño del retrato, de la cantidad de encargos que tenga en ese momento y de tu urgencia. NACIONAL: Hay que añadir entre 1 y 2 días más al tiempo de realización del retrato (transporte). INTERNACIONAL: Para envíos a América del norte, América del sur o cualquier país europeo habrá que abonar el dibujo antes de ser enviado + 10€ de gastos de envío. El envío internacional lo hago sin enmarcar y por medio de Correos Internacional. Por ejemplo, para Norteamérica y Sudamérica el envío ha tardado en llegar unos 8 días aprox. ————————————- NACIONAL: Envío por Correo Certificado. PORTES DE ENVÍO GRATIS. Si deseas otra forma de pago, al acabar el retrato te facilitaré mis datos bancarios y una vez haya recibido el importe haré el envío de forma inmediata. Se garantiza total seriedad. Una vez entregado el dibujo te comunicaré vía e-mail la fecha exacta de la entrega para que calcules su llegada. (De 2 a 4 días según tu localidad). Los envíos a Ceuta, Melilla e islas Canarias tendrán un suplemento de 10€ por gastos de envío. EMBALAJE – Si el envío es por Correos recibirás el retrato en un sobre acolchado con papel burbujas y un cartón pluma por ambos lados. Este sobre le aporta rigidez y ligereza a partes iguales. Si lo prefieres también puedo enviártelo en un tubo de cartón rígido. (Los dos métodos de envío llegan en perfecto estado). Además, todos los sobres van lacrados con mi sello personal para asegurarse que nadie ha abierto el paquete durante su manipulación por la empresa de transportes. Ante las dudas de algunos usuarios y comprendiendo que esta página web se ve en todo el mundo, aclaro que tanto mi página web como mi residencia fiscal (los envíos se realizan desde Madrid) y todo lo relacionado con los precios se refiere al ámbito de España (Península e islas) aunque puede encargarme su dibujo desde cualquier país. Todos los encargos que tengo a través de esta web los realizo yo sin contar con otros artistas ya que al igual que la escritura es complicado encontrar a alguien que escriba o firme igual que tú 🙂 y mucho mas que dibuje de la misma manera, así que puede estar seguro que se lo haré yo personalmente y con la máxima dedicación y mimo. Si quieres saber un poco sobre mi, ver quien  soy y un poco de mi historia de los últimos años visita mi sección de la web que trata sobre mi aquí Retratos por encargo 4. 3 (85. 36%) 373 votes.

Chinese portrait art. Chinese portraits art. Delusion and arrogance of its officials are not helping the US. If no deal results in the Sino-US trade negotiations, who will be disadvantaged more? China's economy is ascendant. Even as US imposes sanctions. Chinese portrait painter born in 1801. Em uma série de retratos, passageiros de trem, turistas na praia, trabalhadores do campo e das fábricas e estudantes constroem a identidade contemporânea de uma China moderna e em transformação. Buy portrait. 1) un lapin : en apparence immobile mais qui peux mordre a chaque instant 2) un mentos au chocolat : couche solide de protection 3) un hortensia 4) Quatre filles et un jean 5) twilight 😂😂 (j'ai honte) 6) Comme une évidence de Grand Corps Malade 7) une chemise a carreaux 8) pas de boisson chez starbucks.

Chinese portrait wang xiaoshuai. Nice national anthem they've got there, although its the representation of communism and 1970s history. Greetings from Singapore. Tripod portrait. Chinese portraits in the style of western art. Portrait gifts. Chinese portrait artist. Having read the book, In Solitary Witness, which the film is based upon in grad school, I can't wait to see the film. A man of true conscience. Chinese portrait painter. This is not a tutorial but just his skill presentation. Me: watching asmr My roomate: dun da dun da dooun da da dada down da down da da da down. Chinese portrait artists. Considera-se retrato a representação visível (geralmente provisória) de pessoa, pela pintura, pelo desenho, pela fotografia, pela escrita ou através da oralidade. Como modo de expressão literária, o retrato constitui uma forma de descrição de pessoa ou coisa. Por vezes, aplica-se o termo à descrição de um ambiente ou época. O retrato, enquanto descrição oral ou escrita, tal como sucede na pintura ou na fotografia, deve reproduzir não apenas a fisionomia ou as poses sobre um cenário, mas captar o carácter, a personalidade e a alma refletidos no olhar, nas feições, no gesto, na figura. A retratística surge desde a antiguidade não apenas como género pictórico e escultórico, mas também a nível da escrita. Com o Renascimento e a valorização do ser humano na sua individualidade, o retrato adquiriu bastante importância, sendo possível encontrar diversos príncipes, clérigos, nobres e burgueses a deixarem-se retratar. São retratos individuais, cuja função maior era mostrar a posição social da pessoa, mas há também os retratos de grupo para caracterizar a base social do estado, com retratos de casais e de grupos familiares ou de grupos sociais. Nos retratos individuais, observam-se focagens ou descrições que podem incidir sobre o indivíduo de corpo inteiro ou apenas em partes do corpo, nomeadamente na parte superior, apresentando ângulos diversos, em poses típicas de perfil ou frontal. Com a descoberta da fotografia, no século XIX, o retrato pictórico perdeu algum valor por aquela poder representar com mais fidelidade o indivíduo. É também nesse século que se observa, na escrita, a passagem do retrato romântico - vaporoso, diáfano e idealizado - para o retrato realista e naturalista - objetivo, pormenorizado, preocupado com a personalidade e o carácter. Como referenciar: retrato in Infopédia [em linha]. Porto: Porto Editora, 2003-2020. [consult. 2020-02-09 10:48:19]. Disponível na Internet: retrato.

Chinese portrait backgrounds. You cannot trust a european, Asia beware, remember colonisation. Chinese portrait 2018. Please make more of these! I love your behind the scenes, so inspirational and visually appealing. Oh my gosh, may donation tau sa taal na 2nd hand na mga damit... Hala... MALAKAS naman resistrnsya NG pinoy... Alis alis virus. 16x20 portrait. Mounted portrait. Portrait ornaments. Chinese portrait photography. Chinese portrait lithograph. Chinese portraits of people copper coated.

Portrait preset. Portrait plaque. Chinese portrait showtimes. Chinese portrait de ce compagnon de la libération. Chinese portrait photos. Chinese portrait made with band aids. Merci pour ta régularité et la qualité de tes vidéos. objectif : 1 000 000 ✨😉♥️💤😘😘. Chinese portrait hd. I have a flu but suddenly when I heard this anthem I'm become positive on novel coronavirus. 0:00 - 0:47 Asking to paint your portrait 0:48 - 2:14 Talking about her Chinese fan 2:16 - 4:29 Making the ink 4:30 - 5:06 Setting you up for your portrait 5:07 - 5:58 Brushing your hair back by comb virtually 5:59 - 6:28 Taking measurements of your face 6:29 - 7:14 Painting your face shape 7:15 - 8:25 Painting your eyes 8:26 - 9:29 Painting your hair 9:30 - 10:19 Using the ink on the paintbrush 10:20 - 11:06 Painting your ear 11:07 - 11:39 Setting your posture again 11:40 - 12:12 Doing your ears 12:13 - 12:44 Painting your shoulders 12:45 - 15:35 Talking about dragon ball festival and painting 15:36 - 17:30 Fixing posture/Adding accessories/Combing your hair 17:31 - 19:11 Painting and talking a bit 19:12 - 19:21 Quick check 19:22 - 20:28 Painting 20:29 - 20:41 Painting 20:42 - 20:50 Quick measurement 20:51 - 21:20 Painting 21:21 - 22:25 Making the ink back 22:26 - 23:13 Closeup checking 23:14 - 24:45 Checking and all P.S. the portrait isnt shown 24:46 - 25:25 Outro It is my pleasure to be your model Princess TingTing❤️ Question: Whats the time in your country? I love you TingTing! ❤️❤️.

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Reviews: Marcus and Mike have to confront new issues (career changes and midlife crises), as they join the newly created elite team AMMO of the Miami police department to take down the ruthless Armando Armas, the vicious leader of a Miami drug cartel. . genres: Action. release year: 2020. USA. Directors: Bilall Fallah.

They could have had my new track to not know the words to😂

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Shelter Available 1080p Full Movies »»». YouTube. VIM PELO MITICO DJ kaka. 0:17 I thought this only happens in anime. A couple of laughs but it seemed like they just threw it together and got paid off of their names. Cứ quên anh vậy đi Nhạt nhòa sương tan ái ân mây trôi buồn Những môi hôn chìm sâu Còn đâu nụ cười thơ ngây đó Cứ xa anh vậy đi Đường mòn xưa kia dẫn lối đôi chân lẻ loi Anh lẻ loi. Mưa rơi nhẹ rơi, mưa đừng mang hoàng hôn xua tan bóng em Chua cay nào hay, thương là đau màn đêm chia hai giấc mơ Giọt nước mắt vô tâm thờ ơ, ngàn câu ca sao nghe hững hờ Em lặng im, anh lặng im, sương gió bủa vây. [ĐK:] Buông đôi tay nhau ra Buông đôi tay chia xa Hờn ghen xin cất trong tim này. Ngày tháng êm ấm vụt mất Ai đó mang em đi rồi, giấu chôn những hoài mong Ở phía trước mong em bình yên phía sau những vụn vỡ Cơn gió quay lưng rồi ngoái thương những chờ mong. Có cơn gió lạnh lùng vội vàng thờ ơ xa chốn đây Có ai đó ngập ngừng thả trôi yêu thương vào hư vô. [Rap:] Có lẽ anh sẽ quên đi tất cả Phía trước đang chờ em Chúc em hạnh phúc. Ở phía trước mong em bình yên, bình yên.

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That squeaky toy had me laughing so hard! ROTFLOL

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Drama / Release year: 2019 / synopsis: A passionate coming-of-age tale set amidst the conservative confines of modern Tbilisi, the film follows Merab, a competitive dancer who is thrown off balance by the arrival of Irakli, a fellow male dancer with a rebellious streak / writed by: Levan Akin / Directed by: Levan Akin / 113min. And then we danced premiere. ცას ვიყენებ როგორც დამტენს. And then we danced watch online. Hooters and then we danced. And then we danced us release. რა ქალივით ინაზებით! 😂😂😂. 20 wins & 15 nominations. See more awards  » Learn more More Like This Drama | Romance 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8. 2 / 10 X On an isolated island in Brittany at the end of the eighteenth century, a female painter is obliged to paint a wedding portrait of a young woman. Director: Céline Sciamma Stars: Noémie Merlant, Adèle Haenel, Luàna Bajrami Certificate: 18A War 7. 2 / 10 1945, Leningrad. WWII has devastated the city, demolishing its buildings and leaving its citizens in tatters, physically and mentally. Two young women search for meaning and hope in the struggle to rebuild their lives amongst the ruins. Kantemir Balagov Viktoria Miroshnichenko, Vasilisa Perelygina, Andrey Bykov Certificate: 14A 7. 7 / 10 Hoping that self-employment through gig economy can solve their financial woes, a hard-up UK delivery driver and his wife struggling to raise a family end up trapped in the vicious circle of this modern-day form of labour exploitation. Ken Loach Kris Hitchen, Debbie Honeywood, Rhys Stone Certificate: G 6. 9 / 10 A North Macedonian woman throws herself into a traditionally men-only ceremony, kicking up a ruckus and standing her ground. Teona Strugar Mitevska Zorica Nusheva, Labina Mitevska, Stefan Vujisic 8. 1 / 10 Two sisters born in Rio de Janeiro make their way through life, each mistakenly believing the other is living out her dreams half a world away. Karim Aïnouz Julia Stockler, Carol Duarte, Flávia Gusmão Adventure Thriller On a remote mountaintop, eight kids with guns watch over a hostage and a conscripted milk cow. Alejandro Landes Sofia Buenaventura, Julián Giraldo, Karen Quintero Crime A cop from the provinces moves to Paris to join the Anti-Crime Brigade of Montfermeil, discovering an underworld where the tensions between the different groups mark the rhythm. Ladj Ly Damien Bonnard, Alexis Manenti, Djebril Zonga Sci-Fi 5. 9 / 10 Alice, a single mother, is a dedicated senior plant breeder at a corporation engaged in developing new species. Against company policy, she takes one home as a gift for her teenage son, Joe. Jessica Hausner Emily Beecham, Ben Whishaw, Kerry Fox Comedy 7. 6 / 10 A couple in crisis. He, disillusioned, sees his life upset the day an entrepreneur offers him to plunge back into the time of his choice. Nicolas Bedos Daniel Auteuil, Guillaume Canet, Doria Tillier 6. 6 / 10 A stormy reunion between scriptwriter Lumir with her famous mother and actress, Fabienne, against the backdrop of Fabienne's autobiographic book and her latest role in a Sci-Fi picture as a mother who never grows old. Hirokazu Koreeda Catherine Deneuve, Juliette Binoche, Ethan Hawke 8. 7 / 10 Vadim is twenty-two. He's a sound engineer and a downer. He's going to Canada in three months. Forever. Before the departure he's assigned to record the voice of a very rare bird, which... See full summary  » Antonio Lukich Irma Vitovskaya, Andriy Lidagovskiy Certificate: PG Filmmaker Elia Suleiman travels to different cities and finds unexpected parallels to his homeland of Palestine. Elia Suleiman Elia Suleiman, Tarik Kopty, Kareem Ghneim Edit Storyline A passionate tale of love and liberation set amidst the conservative confines of modern Georgian society, AND THEN WE DANCED follows Merab, a devoted dancer who has been training for years with his partner Mary for a spot in the National Georgian Ensemble. The arrival of another male dancer, Irakli-gifted with perfect form and equipped with a rebellious streak-throws Merab off balance, sparking both an intense rivalry and romantic desire that may cause him to risk his future in dance as well as his relationships with Mary and his family. Plot Summary Add Synopsis Details Release Date: 7 February 2020 (USA) See more  » Also Known As: And Then We Danced Box Office Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $195, 564 See more on IMDbPro  » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs  » Did You Know? Trivia Ketie Danelia (producer of the movie) stated in an interview with "Radio Tavisupleba", that the Ministry of Culture and Monument Protection of Georgia, declined to fund the trip for the filming crew to visit the Cannes Film Festival (where the movie was initially set to premiere), and that they've explicitly specified that it was solely due to the fact, that it was depicting homosexual romance. Because of this, very few people that were associated with the production (basically only the main cast and crew), went to visit the Cannes, on their own personal funding. See more » Connections References Spirited Away  (2001) See more ».


I enjoyed. Good luck guys. Kisses from Georgia / Batumi. It's indeed a boy, but when he had a aperation to remove the breast he will be more man. And then we danced reaction. And then we danced netflix. And then we danced sundance. And then we danced abba. And then we danced ქართულად. And then we danced srulad. And then we danced trailer 2019. Войдите в Мой Мир, чтобы комментировать Я у мамы САМАЯ и САМЫЙ Супер топ 42 258 05. 02. 2020 Войдите хоккеист 80 уровня 36 044 Рисуем с помощью ладони 23 782 Праздник в доме 19 600 Пеликан перехватил) 15 403 Самые родные ОБЪЯТЬЯ 11 948 Супер тренировка 8 022 Папа самый лучший пример! 8 269 Роспись высшего уровня 6 237 В одну лузу) 5 859 Милые малыши 4 112 Медвежья милота 4 579 Мастер-художник 3 935 Лучшие Танцоры! 4 007 Куколка) Карма от дерева))) 3 447 Кот ест лапшу))) 3 468 Быстро и ловко 3 602 Вдвоём веселее В сарае поселились еноты) 2 641 Повтори битбокс) 2 341 Вот так! Усыпила)) 2 658 Дружная семья 2 662 Ёжик в домике 3 406 в Мой Мир, чтобы комментировать.

No one: rebel wilson: coronavirus. The movie was so amotional and amazing. Im in love with it. And then we danced theme. And then we danced songs. Movies about the gays. movies about the straights.

That blonde girl she is ALWAYS my favorite 😍😍😍

And then we danced film. ძალიან კარგი და ხარისხიანი ფილმი. She's a rebel alright 😉. And then we danced film qartulad. And Then We dance club. And then we danced rotten tomatoes. And Then We dancers. And then we danced praha. And then we danced bassiani scene.

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And then we danced movie review. Looks super interesting. Can't wait. And then we danced download. And then we danced honey. And then we danced full movie qartulad. Dakota actually looks a little attractive. You don't wanna hurt me (oh. My love always will be with you. Movies | ‘And Then We Danced’ Review: Caught Between Desire and Tradition “There is no sexuality in Georgian dance, ” an instructor says. Then things get complicated. Credit... Music Box Films Feb. 6, 2020, 7:00 a. m. ET And Then We Danced Directed by Levan Akin Drama, Romance 1h 53m More Information Watching an attractive young male-female couple go through a complicated routine, a bearded, older instructor (Kakha Gogidze) glowers. They should not be looking at each other; their gaze should be to the floor, he says. “There is no sexuality in Georgian dance, ” he almost growls. The rehearsal is interrupted by the arrival of a new dancer, Irakli (Bachi Valishvili), who’s told to remove his earring almost immediately. Merab (Levan Gelbakhiani), the young male dancer who had been at work, looks at the new guy with trepidation and something else. In the event you needed more foreshadowing, there’s a subsequent scene in the female changing quarters where dancers gossip about a male member of the troupe who was kicked out for being gay. Tbilisi, where this movie, written and directed by Levan Akin, is set and was shot, looks like a pleasant place to live, but also like a land out of time. The young members of the Georgian dance group all smoke like chimneys, and their world, and the world around them, has seriously retrograde ideas about human relations. This means trouble for Merab, who has more than a socially unacceptable new love on his plate: his family is struggling in poverty. Gelbakhiani, the lead actor, has a lean physique, striking red hair and certain facial features that suggest he’d actually make a great Alfredo Linguini in a live-action remake of “Ratatouille, ” not that such a thing should happen. He and the rest of the cast perform with conviction, and the whole movie is attractively, solidly put together. But its dramatic components, fraught as they are, are tepidly delivered. The movie catches fire only in its final scene, in which Merab expresses his rebellion in the language of dance, not words. And Then We Danced Not rated. In Georgian, with English subtitles. Running time: 1 hour 53 minutes.

And Then We dancehall. And Then We danced. And then we danced cast. And then we danced oscar. No upcoming screenings. Available No Tickets Available [[ artDate | amDateFormat: "dddd, MMMM Do"]] [[ artDate | amDateFormat: "h:mm A"]] [[]] You may not purchase more tickets at this time. About Since premiering at the 2019 Cannes Film Festival, Levan Akin’s groundbreaking drama continues to garner attention as Sweden’s official Academy Award entry for Best International Feature Film. Though Akin is Swedish born, his roots are Georgian and so too is the DNA of his film, which acts as both a celebration of his country’s renowned dance culture and a sharp critique of its deep-seated homophobia. A gifted dancer named Merab moves beautifully, but his mannerisms enrage his coach, who finds them too effeminate. Merab, however, quietly defies not only his coach but his community’s hyperconservative constraints. An aura of danger emerges when he meets a handsome new dancer named Irakli, whose gifted technique becomes a source of attraction and competition for Merab. As the two fall into a secretive affair, whispers of their newfound romance threaten their respective careers. Far from fitting into the traditional coming-out narrative, And Then We Danced represents something especially joyful, romantic, and transgressive. It stands confidently as one of the most important films—gay or otherwise—of the year. YEAR 2019 CATEGORY Spotlight COUNTRY Sweden/Georgia/France RUN TIME 113 min LANGUAGE Georgian SUBTITLES Yes with English subtitles COMPANY Totem Films WEBSITE EMAIL PHONE +33 7 6776 4622 Credits Director Levan Akin Screenwriter Producers Mathilde Dedye Ketie Daniela Cinematography Lisabi Fridell Costume Design Nini Jincharadze Editors Simon Carlgren Makeup Department Head Eka Chikhradze Production Designer Teo Baramidze Sound Beso Kacharava Music Zviad Mgebry Executive Producer Ludvig Andersson actor Levan Gelbakhiani Bachi Valishvili Ana Javakhishvili Kakha Gogidze Anano Makharadze Artist Bio Levan Akin is a Swedish-born filmmaker of Georgian descent, whose work often addresses class and gender. His most recent film, And Then We Danced (2019), premiered at the Cannes Film Festival Directors' Fortnight. His other works include feature films The Circle (2015) and Certain People (2011) and several TV series, most notably Real Humans (2012). Currently, he is working on a TV series titled Dough, set to premiere in 2021.

And then we danced prague. And Then We dance. This movie seems really promising and I really wanna see it. I saw few georgian dances on YT and it just made me wow. Ballet on another level. I also heard about those protests from homophobes and all I wanna say to this that it haven't changed my thought abouy Georgia nor people living there. It's just a group of dumb people who can't keep their problems to themselves. I still want to someday go to Georgia and see its beauty that I saw in this trailer and, maybe soon, movie. Love from Poland.

And then we danced. And then we danced protests tbilisi georgia. And then we danced izle. In case you were wondering, Agnetha was winking at me. And then we danced 2019. And then we danced nyc. კავკასიის ბორდელია საქართველო ! მეტ ტურისტს ველიდებით ! აბა შეაგებეთ დები შვილები ცოლები ! ფუი თქვენი. I want to dance with her... And then we danced last dance. And then we danced interview.

For director the one challenge is to shoot a film about LGBTQ issue and not to dramatize script, another is to take Georgian film about the same issue and do not express a enormous wave of aggression to homophobia and to catch the balance. If you ask me why I will answer: In Georgia plenty people are on the side of homophobia. From my point of view the main problem is that they think LGBTQ people are strangers, they live somewhere not near them, not in their families, not in their neighborhood or in the circles of friends. They think gays are some savage, immoral people without families or normal lives.
And then there is the movie AND THEN WE DANCED. Director is catching the balance, it doesn't show any aggression, it only tells that gay people are between us, as normal as anyone and we only need to face that and to be humane.
The film is kind and emotional. RECOMMEND! Maybe after watching this film people haunted by homophobia will rethink the issue.

And then we danced scene. Directed by Levan Gelbakhiani Merab Bachi Valishvili Irakli Kakha Gogidze Aleko Ana Makharadze Sopo Nino Gabisonia Ninutsa Levan Gabrava Luka Dachi Babunashvili Rati Lists And Then We Danced Videos Cover art, photos and screenshots Merab has been training from a young age at the National Georgian Ensemble with his dance partner Mary. His world turns upside down when the carefree Irakli arrives and becomes both his strongest rival and desire. Release date: 13 September 2019 My tags: Add tags Add to list Not interested Update feed Kess added this to wanted list 3 months, 2 weeks ago Suvi added this to have watched list 3 months, 3 weeks ago devinight added this to a list 4 months, 1 week ago My trips to the cinema 2019 (200 movies items) "SCREENING: London Film Festival DATE: October 12th CINEMA: Odeon LOCATION: Tottenham Court Road" MacGuffin posted a image 4 months, 3 weeks ago Oliver rated this 8/10 5 months ago Polsko added this to a list 8 months, 2 weeks ago The QUEER PALM Film List 2019 (20 movies items) " Merab has been training from a young age at the National Georgian Ensemble with his dance partner Mary. His world turns upside down when the carefree Irakli arrives and becomes both his strongest rival and desire. ".

And then we danced ost. Amasing movi, perfect cast. Levan is incredible. So anything left to watch? I think Trailer has already showed the whole movie. And then we danced qartulad. And Then We dance life. And then we danced online.



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summary NOUSHA HASSANI wants to marry the perfect Persian husband for her perfect Persian family. But her plans are derailed when she falls in love with ALEX TALBOT, an eccentric artist. When her traditional Muslim parents discover the two living together as domestic partners, they insist they officially get married. Nousha reluctantly agrees and the TALBOTS and the HASSANIS come together for a big Persian wedding. Over the course of one weekend, buried family wounds come rocketing to the surface, disaster ensues, and the couples relationship is tested
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Panga is inspired from the life of a national level Kabbadi player from India. It follows her triumphs, struggle and overcoming of stereotypes. It shows how important the love and support of your family is for you to be successful
Directed by: Ashwiny Iyer Tiwari
Jassie Gill
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Pangamin ucinky. Panga movie. Panga machete. Learn more More Like This Action | Biography Drama 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 8. 4 / 10 X Tanhaji Malusare, a military chieftain in the army of the Maratha king Shivaji, leads the charge to capture the strategically important Kondhana fort guarded by the army of the fierce Rajput chieftain Udaybhan Rathod. Director: Om Raut Stars: Ajay Devgn, Saif Ali Khan, Kajol Imtiaz Ali Sara Ali Khan, Kartik Aaryan, Arushi Sharma Comedy 7. 6 / 10 Two couples with the same surnames pursue in-vitro fertilization and wait for their upcoming babies. Trouble ensues when they find that the sperms of each couple have been mixed with each other. Raj Mehta Akshay Kumar, Kareena Kapoor, Diljit Dosanjh Kangana Ranaut is all set to make the Diwali of 2020 all the more 'Dhamakedaar' with her next film Dhaakad. Razneesh Ghai Kangana Ranaut, Mimoh Chakraborty, Manoj Tiwari 4 / 10 A coming-of-age story based on the lives of street dancers. Remo D'Souza Varun Dhawan, Shraddha Kapoor, Prabhu Deva 6. 4 / 10 Story of Rani Lakshmibai, one of the leading figures of the Indian Rebellion of 1857 and her resistance to the British Rule. Directors: Radha Krishna Jagarlamudi, Kangana Ranaut Rimi Sen, Danny Denzongpa Crime 7. 7 / 10 Shivani Shivaji Roy is back and this time she's on the trail of a 21 year old merciless villain who targets women. Gopi Puthran Rani Mukerji, Vishal Jethwa, Shruti Bapna 6. 8 / 10 A 40 year-old playboy's life turns upside down when he comes to know that he has a 20 something year-old daughter. Nitin Kakkar Tabu, Alaya Furniturewala Pei Liu, Luodan Wang, Ping Zong History 8. 2 / 10 Lieutenant Sodhi and his army fight for Indian Independence during World War II as part of the Indian National Army; the journey and sacrifice of the Indian National Army from its soldiers' point of view. Sunny Kaushal, Sharvari Wagh, Tj Bhanu 6. 9 / 10 A police officer on a chase to hunt down a dreaded gangster for fulfilling his own secret agenda. A. R. Murugadoss Rajinikanth, Nayanthara, Sunil Shetty Mystery Thriller 7. 9 / 10 The Tashkent Files is a thriller that revolves around the mysterious death of India's 2nd Prime Minister Shri Lal Bahadur Shastri and attempts to uncover if he had actually died a natural death, or, as alleged, was assassinated. Vivek Agnihotri Shweta Basu Prasad, Mithun Chakraborty, Naseeruddin Shah Edit Storyline Rooted in the subculture of societal facts #Panga is an emotional roller coaster tale of a middle-class Indian woman; A forgotten kabaddi world champion who catalyzes an inner desire to give a new meaning to her existing role as a wife and mother and takes an ingenious decision to come back to the sport despite the challenges of age stereotypes and a new generation complexities which creates an upheaval in her life as she is torn between family responsibility and love for the sport. Plot Summary Add Synopsis Details Release Date: 24 January 2020 (USA) See more  » Box Office Opening Weekend USA: $285, 689, 26 January 2020 Cumulative Worldwide Gross: $604, 929 See more on IMDbPro  » Company Credits Technical Specs See full technical specs  » Did You Know? Trivia Kangana Ranaut's first film in which she plays the role of a mother See more » Soundtracks Bibby Song Vocals by Annu Kapoor & Sherry Lyrics by Javed Akhtar Music by Shankar Mahadevan, Ehsaan Noorani & Loy Mendonsa See more » Check out the Indian movies with the highest ratings from IMDb users, as well as the movies that are trending in real time.

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Audience Score: 1247 Votes. Directed by: Gopi Puthran. Duration: 1 hour, 43 Minute. . Casts: Rajesh Sharma, Vishal Jethwa. reviews: Mardaani 2 is a movie starring Rani Mukerji, Vishal Jethwa, and Shruti Bapna. Shivani Shivaji Roy is back and this time she's on the trail of a 21 year old merciless villain who targets women. Mardaani 2 2019 Full Movie Free Download HD 720p.  Download Mardaani 2 2019  Full   Movie Free High Speed Download. SD Movies Point. Share with Your Friends If you like our Website 😉 Don’t Forget to Bookmark Our Website 🙂 Movie Overview Mardaani 2 2019 Full Movie Free Download Mardaani 2 is a 2019 Indian Hindi-language crime thriller film directed by Gopi Puthran and produced by Aditya Chopra under Yash Raj Films. It is a sequel to the 2014 film Mardaani and features Rani Mukerji reprising her role of Inspector Shivani Roy. The story follows Shivani who goes up against a 21-year-old villain (played by Vishal Jethwa). Aditya Chopra announced Mardaani 2 in December 2018, and principal photography of the film began on 27 March 2019. The film was theatrically released in India on 13 December 2019. SCREENSHOTS Mardaani 2 2019 Full Movie Free Download Full Name: Mardaani 2 2019 Full Movie Free Download Release Date: 13 December 2019 (USA) Length: 1h 45min Size:  1. 0 GB Quality: HD 720p Genres:   Action, Crime, Drama Language: Hindi Cast:  Rani Mukerji, Rajesh Sharma, Shruti Bapna.

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Some of the key features to look out for are supported platforms, choice of input sources, user support, and supported games (some streaming apps make you choose from a list of titles, while others let you record anything). With that in mind, here's our pick of the best free streaming software you can download today. If you're not interested in broadcasting live, take a look at our guide to the best free screen recorders. The best free streaming software at a glance OBS Studio Streamlabs OBS Nvidia Shadowplay Xsplit Gamecaster (Image credit: Jim/OBS Studio Contributors) 1. OBS Studio You won't find a more powerful free streaming tool Operating system: Windows, macOS, Linux Completely free Twitch, YouTube, Mixer and more Steep learning curve Open source, powerful and flexible, OBS Studio is easily our top pick when it comes to free streaming software. It's available for Windows, Mac and Linux, and receives regular updates from an enthusiastic team of contributors. It has something of a reputation for being complicated to set up, but if you're only interested in simple streaming then there's no need to plunge into the more sophisticated capture settings. If you do want more granular control, it's all there. You can create scenes from multiple sources (windows, images, text, webcams, capture cards – the list goes on), mix audio and adjust pretty much every aspect of your streams. The options are extensive, but clearly laid out and explained. OBS Studio can stream straight to Twitch, YouTube, Mixer, Facebook and many other platforms – a much wider range than you'll find in other streaming software. It's even possible to stream to multiple platforms at once. OBS Studio is also our top pick if you're looking for a top quality free screen recorder. Other tools might be simpler, but whether you want to capture games or anything else on your desktop, you won't find a more flexible tool for the job. Read our full OBS Studio review (Image credit: Streamlabs) 2. Streamlabs OBS A friendlier face for the superb OBS Studio Operating system: Windows Auto optimization Simple to use No studio mode As the name suggests, Streamlabs OBS is built on the same foundation as OBS Studio, putting a friendlier face on the powerful streaming software. Streamlabs offers claims to offer improved performance via automatic optimization, though the difference in our tests was negligible. Its cleaner interface makes Streamlabs a reasonable choice for first-time streamers, but if you're already happy using OBS Studio, there's little advantage in switching. It's currently in beta, so it'll be interesting to see if it diverges further from OBS Studio in the future, but for the moment there's little difference between the two. It's worth noting that Streamlabs currently lacks a studio mode – a feature that came to OBS Studio two years ago. It's an advanced tool that many users won't miss, but worth bearing in mind. (Image credit: Nvidia) 3. Nvidia Shadowplay The game, the whole game and nothing but the game Operating system: Windows Little impact on game performance Better for recording than streaming No picture-in-picture If you have a GeForce graphics card, Nvidia Shadowplay is bundled along with the drivers. It has a major advantage over most streaming software: it encodes in the GPU rather than the CPU, meaning it has negligible impact on performance, but it's far less flexible than OBS Studio. There are no overlays or multi-sources scenes – just the game itself.  If you're only interested in streaming gameplay then Nvidia Shadowplay will get the job done, but if you want to create something more sophisticated then you'll be better off with OBS – particularly since you can set OBS to use Nvidia's NVENC encoding. Shadowplay's video recording and screengrab tools are excellent, but streaming isn't its strongest suit. (Image credit: SplitmediaLabs Ltd) 4. Xsplit Gamecaster Excellent software, but premium features come at a steep price Operating system: Windows Facebook, Twitch, Mixer and YouTube Higher resolutions are watermarked Chromakeying is a paid extra Unlike most of the free streaming software in this roundup, Xsplit Gamecaster is a free, cut-down version of a premium application. As such, it looks sleeker and benefits from premium support online, but several features are locked behind a paywall. Gamecaster is a game-specific version of Xsplit Broadcaster, with a more streamlined interface. It supports streaming to Twitch, Mixer, YouTube and Facebook, and is incredibly easy to use – just start your game and hit a keyboard shortcut to bring up the overlay and begin streaming. The biggest drawback is that streams at 720p or higher will carry an Xsplit watermark – not ideal if you want your stream to look professional. You'll also have to open your wallet if you want chromakeying (green screen), in-game Twitch chat, console support via a capture card and custom logos. Commercial use also requires a license. Prices start at US$4. 17 (about £3/AU$5) per month for a 36-month license, through to US$199 (about £150/AU$250) for a lifetime license. Find out how to download YouTube videos.

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Every time mackenzie has short blonde hair she is either a murderer, crazy, or neurotic. The way you said “everybody” I felt that in my entire body. Wednesday and Pugsley Unhinged : A Home Alone spinoff. The Turning Free stream.nbcolympics. This is one of those movies where you know its bad just by the title. Listening to Skip makes you realize how little he knows about football. That was a perfect throw and catch, but in his eyes, it was a duck. StreamSpot: Live Streaming [simplified] Simplified ™ StreamSpot specializes in automated content distribution for multi-platform delivery. Our core services feature our patented streaming automation workflow allowing you to focus on your event, not the stream. Try Now, For Free! Automation 100% automated live streaming that starts and stops automatically. Simply enter the details of your event (either one-time or repeating), and our patented StreamSpot Sync® takes care of the broadcast for you. Manage from anywhere, no complex firewall or router configurations required. Syndication Automated content syndication allows for a single broadcast to be distributed to popular platforms including Vimeo, Facebook Live, YouTube, Chromecast, Amazon FireTV & Roku automatically, saving you time. Archiving Within minutes of each live broadcast, your archive is automatically posted for on-demand viewing directly on your custom StreamSpot players. We make live streaming as simple as 1-2-3 Syndicate Everywhere Simplify Your Multi-Platform Distribution A single stream to the StreamSpot platform can syndicate to Facebook, YouTube and enables access to over 30 more platforms including Periscope, Twitch and more! Platform Features Driven by customer demand, never static Integration & Workflow Partnerships Looking for Turn-Key? All-in-one streaming solutions... It's in the Box. StreamSpot Turn-Key Streaming Solutions make live-streaming simple. We've partnered with the best streaming equipment manufacturers in the business to offer powerful streaming solutions for any budget. Answer: Streaming with StreamSpot is easy and we can help! Since 2010, our streaming experts have helped setup StreamSpot customers all over the world. Regardless if you are using your own equipment to broadcast or one of our equipment packages we will help you every step of the way. StreamSpot technical support is included with every StreamSpot account. If you have an issue you can call or email our support team and one of our experts will be happy to help. Within minutes of each live broadcast your archive is automatically posted for on-demand viewing directly on your custom StreamSpot players. Yes! With StreamSpot's HTML5 based video players, your content is accessible on all desktop, mobile & OTT devices, including Apple, Android, PC, Mac, Chromecast, Roku and more. Included with every StreamSpot account are instant viewer analytics detailing all aspects of your streaming service. Find out how many viewers watched your broadcasts, what broadcasts were most popular, viewer maps, viewer duration and much more! Absolutely! With StreamSpot's industry leading Facebook LIVE integration, you can schedule events to syndicate to the desired Facebook page or profile... Automatically! Yes, with StreamSpot's Simulated-Live functionality, a previously-recorded archive or uploaded video can be scheduled to re-broadcast at a date and time you designate through the MyStreamSpot® Customer Portal. In the event the number of your concurrent (at the same time) live viewers exceeds the amount provided in your plan, you will have the option to upgrade to an alternative StreamSpot plan with a higher viewer capacity; or, you can always purchase additional viewer capacity through the MyStreamSpot ® Customer Portal. Don't worry, we will never block additional viewers as you do not continuously exceed your account's viewer capacity.

THE MOVIE IS GREAT BUT the end doesnt make sense? Maybe Bc the movie is suppose to make u think ur crazy. 0:29 fINNS FACE AFTER HE WHIPPED THE HORSE I CANNOT. I'm over 12 minutes in and thinking 2019 is a terrible year for movies... Looks like garbage ngl, when is there gonna be real horror movies. Clicked so fast. loved the movie and thought it was absolutely stunning. acting was great but the end confused ME. Nice mike thing for years- have you actually seen Stranger Things.

The vomiting scene wasn't scripted and the actor actually vomited during scene. The turning free stream voyage package. “Im OnLy HeRe FoR fInN” yall just watch the movie. Its pretty good (not just because of Finn) and hes in it for literally ten and a half minute. “I Love It! Reminded me of The Others, only WAYYY better, I give it an A. •D.”-January 2020. The Turning Free stream new. Steve Cutts, youre brilliant. I show your work to my high school students in Oakland, CA, USA. That's my mate running up the sand dunes. For the people who are thinking about watching this film: It honestly isnt that bad just not memorable and the ending was the worst part of the film since it seemed like they stopped the movie at the middle but I think theyll maybe do a second film so maybe thats why the ending is bad.

What great transitions between clips. Stream the turning free online. Stream the turning free. CHANGE SONIC OR I WILL MYSELF I SWEAR ON THE FRICKIN CHAOS EMERALDS DAMMIT. Finn is a mood.

Coauthor: Georgina Triggs


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